The Resident American Academy of Osteopathy (previously the Postgraduate American Academy of Osteopathy) is a membership section of the American Academy of Osteopathy (AAO). It was developed to serve osteopathic resident physicians in postgraduate training.

Join The RAAO

RAAO Goals:

  • to promote utilization and continued education of osteopathic principles and practice (OPP) in postgraduate training programs;
  • to provide a network for interns and residents interested in OPP;
  • to identify interns and residents at the annual AAO Convocation;
  • to provide a platform for interns’ and residents’ issues at the AAO; and
  • to provide AAO representation for interns and residents at the AOA level.

Read the RAAO Bylaws.

Membership in the RAAO is open to osteopathic medical graduates currently receiving internship or residency training in any specialty. Click here for membership rates.

As a member of the RAAO you are entitled to all the membership benefits of the American Academy of Osteopathy. In addition, RAAO members enjoy the following benefits:

RAAO Member Benefits

  • Lower fees for AAO CME courses and Convocation.
  • Provide information and support for the various challenges faced in the ever-evolving medical field. Join in the conversation on Facebook, in person at Convocation or at other conventions such as the AOA OMED or state and local organizations.
  • Become familiar with the 12 month ONMM3 pathway programs, get to know the program directors, and begin establishing contacts who can help you find the program that is right for you. View current ONMM Residency Programs.
  • Develop osteopathic research projects during residency with access to the Louisa Burns Osteopathic Research Committee.
  • Share your recently acquired wisdom with medical students facing challenges you recently experienced in the RAAO mentorship program.
  • Eligible for the AAO Resident of the Year Award.

If you have any questions about membership, leadership positions or issues related to postgraduate OMT, feel free to contact the AAO office or email the RAAO chair at [email protected].