Osteopathic associations are the only ones looking out for our interests...If you expect someone to advocate for you, you need to support them.- Boyd R. Buser, DO, FACOFP If you want to get invested in the future of the osteopathic profession, the AAO encourages you to get involved. Start building relationships by attending meetings of your state societies, the AAO annual Convocation, or the American Osteopathic Association annual conference.LOCALState associations provide their members with local resources, legislative advocacy, continuing medical education and much more. In addition, they provide excellent groundwork for understanding association governance. Learn about the AAO Component Societies. NATIONALThe AAO uses AAO Member News (sent to all active AAO members) and social media to keep you informed of issues that may affect you. In the past, the Academy worked with the AOA's governmental affairs department to promote SaveOMT.org in response to proposed changes to a local coverage determination that would dramatically impact members in 10 states. INTERNATIONALThe AAO works with the International Federation for Manual/Musculoskeletal Medicine (FIMM), the Osteopathic International Alliance (OIA) and the American Osteopathic Association (AOA) to promote standardized principles around the world.