Scholar SeriesThe Scholar Series, developed by AAO members Robert W. Hostoffer, DO, LhD, FAAP, FACOP, FACOI, FCCP, and Brian P. Peppers, DO, PhD, is designed to help develop scholarly environments and to meet residents’ program requirements for research. In the new single GME system, curricula “must advance residents’ knowledge of the basic principles of research, including how research is conducted, evaluated, explained to patients, and applied to patient care.” See the list of ACGME requirements by specialty. Anyone interested in research – whether residents, practicing physicians or medical students – will find these sessions helpful. The videos also can be used by residency directors for faculty development within your institution or just to learn more about the research process. Scholar 7, Scholar 4 and Scholar Specific will lead you through the research process—from developing a hypothesis and conducting research to writing and presenting the paper itself. SCHOLAR 7Scholar 7 is a series of seven video workshops that you may start and end at any time. The program leads the viewers into the scholarly process. You will be taught that initiating a research project is not difficult. You will be shown how to develop a hypothesis, create specific aims, preliminary data, materials and methods, and conclusions. The completed document will serve as your Institutional Review Board (IRB) submission and grant proposal (though the IRB submission process may vary from institution to institution). SCHOLAR 4Scholar 4 is a series of four videos that provides the style and floorplan for a proper abstract, poster, manuscript and oral presentation. They can be used by students, residents, fellows and attendings at the mid-academic year or whenever they are ready to submit their research. SCHOLAR SPECIFICScholar Specific is the third entry in the Scholar Series. Building on Scholar 7 and Scholar 4, Scholar Specific provides a guide for case presentation and a discussion on how osteopathic research and traditional research differ. |