Poster Presentations

Each year the Louisa Burns Osteopathic Research Committee (LBORC) and the National Undergraduate Fellows Association (NUFA) hold a research poster presentation session during the AAO’s annual Convocation. We are excited to begin modernizing the abstract process using the AAOJ’s platform.

Interested AAO, RAAO, and SAAO members are encouraged to participate and submit their completed poster abstract and copyright agreement to the AAO. Signing the agreement does not prevent investigators from submitting full articles on their research to peer-reviewed journals, such as The AAO Journal and Journal of Osteopathic Medicine. Instructions for abstracts and grading rubrics can be found below in the link to the full criteria.

Questions? Reach out: [email protected]

About the Poster Presentation Session (PPT download)
Read the full criteria

The LBORC-NUFA Research Poster Presentation is open to osteopathic medical students, interns, residents, researchers and practicing physicians. The first author of each poster must be a member of the AAO, the Resident American Academy of Osteopathy or the Student American Academy of Osteopathy. The first author of student and resident posters must be present during the poster judging at Convocation. All presenters should register for Convocation to gain access to the presentation area.

A ram’s head trophy will be presented to the first author of those posters that win first place in each of the 3 poster categories for the student and resident level in original research, single case study, and education and public health.


Late November: early submission deadline is November 30, 2024. Authors who submit their abstract by the early submission deadline will have the opportunity to submit 1 revision of their abstract after it is reviewed. They will have until the deadline for poster entries to submit that revision.

Late December: All poster entries due December 31, 2024. Poster abstract entries need to be submitted by the poster entry deadline to be considered for the next AAO Convocation LBORC-NUFA research poster presentation.
Mid-January: Primary authors notified of status by January 15, 2025. Authors who submitted a poster abstract entry will be notified as to their acceptance or not. Additional information for presentation will be provided at that time.


Poster judging will take place during the Convocation and winners will be announced at the student awards ceremony and at the president’s banquet on Saturday, March 29, 2025. Indicate your willingness to be a volunteer judge when you register for Convocation. For more information, contact AAO staff liaison Yvette Jules at [email protected].

Past Poster Presentations